The Magic of Christmas - CHAPTER SLICE




This FREE chapter slice includes a section from our The Magic of Christmas title.

Enjoy 6 FREE worksheets from our The Magic of Christmas title. These worksheets can be used on their own, or paired with the individual resources. And the best part is, it's FREE.

About the full resource, The Magic of Christmas:

The Magic of Christmas is a theme based, complete Christmas concert for students in grades PK-8. It is designed to include every student in the school while dividing the work load equally among the staff through the component system. Each Component is a unit in itself and can be rehearsed as a separate classroom unit, thus greatly reducing the time needed to prepare this production. Each component includes a description of the characters, props, costumes, and stage directions. The component feature allows teachers to add or delete items to suit their particular school size. This Holidays concert provides production notes, list of characters, costumes, props and stage set, as well as complete scripts, designed to increase studentÍs reading comprehension in a highly creative manner.

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