The One and Only Ivan (Novel Study Guide)

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eBook Order #: CCP2565
Print Book Order #: CC2565
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: CC+P2565
ISBN13: 978-0-22831-405-9
Grades: 5, 6
Reading Level: 5-6
Total Pages: 55
Author: Lisa Renaud

Witness one animal’s determination to do whatever it takes to save someone they love.

The vocabulary and comprehension questions are utilized in a variety of ways throughout the chapter assignments. Describe how Julia is different from other children that visit the mall. Learn key vocabulary words by solving crossword clues. Based on how Ivan began his live with Mack, imagine what it would be like to have a wild animal for a pet. Complete a passage from the novel with its missing words. Design your own billboard as a group. Match the group name with their animal species. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, our worksheets incorporate a variety of scaffolding strategies along with additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key.

About the Novel:
The One and Only Ivan is told from the perspective of its protagonist—a silverback gorilla named Ivan. Ivan lives in the Big Top Mall and Video Arcade with other animals, like an elephant named Stella. A stray dog named Bob spends most of his time visiting with Ivan in his habitat. Ivan loves his life. He gets to watch TV as much as he wants. He gets to do what he loves—painting pictures that are then sold in the mall’s gift shop. Soon Ivan begins to notice things. The visitors aren’t coming as much as they used to. Stella’s leg is hurting her more and more. Mack, the mall owner, brings in a new baby elephant to help bring in more visitors. This elephant, named Ruby, is defiant and doesn’t want to perform like Stella does. It becomes Ivan’s sole mission to help get Ruby out of the mall and into a zoo where she can have a better life.

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