Coraline (Novel Study Guide)

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  • eBook Order #: CCP2560
  • Print Book Order #: CC2560
  • Both eBook & Print Book Order #: CC+P2560
  • ISBN13: 978-0-22831-400-4
  • Grades: 5, 6
  • Reading Level: 5-6
  • Total Pages: 55
  • Author: Sarah Joubert
  • Enter a world not unlike your own, but with an evil overtone to rescue your lost parents.

    The material in this resource is a nice balance of reading comprehension checks, vocabulary, and open-ended questions for further consideration. Describe what the opposite of Coraline’s home and life would be like. Answer questions based on Coraline’s interaction with Misses Spink and Forcible. Draw parallels between Coraline’s story of her dad getting stung by wasps and her entering the ‘other side’. Describe a coping mechanism that you use to help when you’re afraid. Design your own dream home. Summarize all the instances of foreshadowing that occur in the novel. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, our worksheets incorporate a variety of scaffolding strategies along with additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key.

    About the Novel:
    Coraline tells the story of a girl who faces off against an evil entity in a battle of wills. Coraline Jones has just moved into a new house with her parents. Coraline spends her days exploring the grounds and visiting with the other tenants. When it’s raining out, she is forced to stay inside and deal with endless boredom. Her parents suggest she explore their flat and to stop bothering them. This is how Coraline discovers a mysterious door that leads to a brick wall in the drawing room. At night, this door opens into a corridor that leads to an alternate version of her house. Inside are alternate versions of her parents and other inhabitants. The only difference is, these ‘other’ people have buttons for eyes. At first, Coraline is met with excitement, adventure and attention. But this all turns dark as the ‘other’ mother’s true motivations come to light.

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