Anne of Green Gables (Novel Study Guide)

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  • eBook Order #: CCP2721
  • Print Book Order #: CC2721
  • Both eBook & Print Book Order #: CC+P2721
  • ISBN13: 978-0-22831-408-0
  • Grades: 7, 8
  • Reading Level: 7-8
  • Total Pages: 55
  • Author: Amanda Langsford
  • Step back through time and experience what it was like living on Prince Edward Island at the end of the Victorian era.

    This resource acts as the basis for guided discussion. Answer true or false questions about Anne’s background. Describe the cause and effect behind Anne’s negative behavior towards Mrs. Rachel Lynde. Make predictions about what you think will happen in the upcoming chapters. Identify the internal conflict Anne struggles with regarding acceptance of a dare. Act out a scene from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem, The Lady of Shalott. Complete a timeline graphic organizer with moments that helped shape Anne’s personality. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, our worksheets incorporate a variety of scaffolding strategies along with additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key.

    About the Novel:
    Anne of Green Gables follows the coming-of-age journey of Anne Shirley as she’s adopted by Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert and is relocated to Avonlea. Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert are siblings living at Green Gables, a homestead in Avonlea. They decide to adopt a boy to help work on the farm. To their surprise, a young red-headed girl named Anne arrives. While they figure out a way to correct the situation, they are quickly enamored by Anne and decide to keep her. The story follows the adventures Anne gets herself into as she grows up in Avonlea. Her imagination and unending communication with the inhabitants of this quiet town in Prince Edward Island fills the hearts of those around her. She is able to grow while maintaining the fun-loving spirit she becomes known for. Her stubbornness and drive lead her down a path of educational excellence. At some point she is faced with a decision that will change the course her life has taken.

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