eBook Order #: RHP3411
Print Book Order #: RH3411
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P3411
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-271-9
Grades: 2-4
Reading Level: 2-4
Total Pages: 64
Author: Ann Cassill Sofge
This resource is for grades 2-4 and helps all students build the mental facility needed to do well on standardized tests and to move on to higher-level thinking.
Strong math skills are essential to success in school and life. Math Practice Simplified - Multiplication is designed to develop fluency with basic number combinations for multiplication. This workbook provides practice in the concepts of multiplication, from basic facts through multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. The workbook begins with the easiest concept of multiplication—a 1-digit number multiplied by a 1-digit number—and gradually advances in complexity. The exercises are placed on the pages so that adequate workspace is available with few visual distractions to interfere with concentration. Concepts in this resource are based on Principles and Standards for School Mathematics as identified by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Answers are provided at the back of the book.
This resource aligns to the following NCTM Standard:
• Develop fluency with basic number combinations for multiplication.