eBook Order #: RHP6302
Print Book Order #: RH6302
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P6302
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-034-0
Grades: 2, 3
Reading Level: 2-3
Total Pages: 52
Author: Pat Hadler — Barnes
The skills in this book are intended for children in second and third grade and emphasize three kinds of interaction: peer interaction, such as joining groups and coping with disagreements; interaction with adults, such as meeting adults and getting help; and interaction with the community, such as following rules and being a good citizen.
Character is a personal quality that helps a person get along with others and become a productive citizen. Children acquire good character by observation and imitation of parents, relatives and friends as well as through formal instruction at school, in religious settings and in other groups. Social Skills Simplified: Being the Best Me, Grade 2-3, offers children an opportunity to learn and practice some very essential skills of good character. These skills help children develop a sense of respect and responsibility toward others. In the process, children build self-esteem and feel confident in social situations. This practice book offers children the opportunity to work individually and at their own pace. An Answer Page with appropriate responses to the activities is at the back of this book. After students complete a page, review the answers with them to provide immediate feedback. Allowing ample time for discussion is the best way to ascertain if your students understand the material and are able to internalize the positive character attributes presented. The skills featured in this book fall into four categories: friendship, respect and responsibility, citizenship, manners.