eBook Order #: CCP5801
Print Book Order #: CC5801
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: CC+P5801
ISBN13: 978-1-77167-937-4
Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8
Reading Level: 3-4
Total Pages: 680
Author: Erika Gombatz and George Graybill
This Middle School Environmental Studies Bundle for grades 5-8 is your ENTIRE YEAR'S ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES CURRICULUM in one bundle. Filled with HANDS-ON experiments, ENGAGING activities and COMPREHENSION questions that cover your State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and STEAM Initiatives. The activities in this bundle can be used for whole-group, small group, or individual work. NO PREP necessary, just print!
This BUNDLE includes 680 pages and will provide you with an ENTIRE YEAR of Environmental Studies lesson plans. A $120.00 USD value for only $79.95.
This bundle is ideal for grades 5-8, but with a grade 3-4 reading level.
Included in this BUNDLE are:
CC5772 - Climate Change - BIG BOOK Gr. 5-8
CC5781 - Carbon Footprint - BIG BOOK Gr. 5-8
CC5776 - Water Conservation - BIG BOOK Gr. 5-8
CC5767 - Waste Management - BIG BOOK Gr. 5-8