eBook Order #: RHP1318
Print Book Order #: RH1318
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P1318
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-018-0
Grades: 5, 6
Reading Level: 5-6
Total Pages: 64
Author: Karen Bromley and Marcia Modlo
This resource is for grades 5-6 and aligns to the International Reading Association (IRA) and National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Standard #1, 3, 6, and 12.
A graphic organizer is a visual way to represent knowledge in a pattern using labels. Organizing or arranging important aspects of a concept or topic is a critical step in the processes of reading, writing, and thinking—a step that educators used to assume students "did in their heads." Now we know that helping students develop and/or use graphic organizers greatly improves reading comprehension, as well as analytical thinking and writing skills.
Graphic Organizers Simplified is a four-book supplemental series that provides teachers with ready-to-use materials to help students learn how to create and use graphic organizers. Each lesson consists of three parts:
• a story, article, or poem written and illustrated by nationally recognized contributors
• a graphic organizer to study, complete, or create
• work sheets that include comprehension questions, guided activities for interpreting data, and opportunity to apply and write about what has been learned
Selections in each book represent a variety of fiction and nonfiction genres, including poetry, journal entries, humor, biography, history, science, nature study, sports, fantasy, and more. Each was hand picked as appropriate for the independent and instructional reading levels for the specified grades.