Building Words from Words - Word Chains

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eBook Order #: RHP1516
Print Book Order #: RH1516
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P1516
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-230-6
Grades: K-3
Reading Level: K-3
Total Pages: 63
Author: Joan Westley

Can you turn the word cat into dog? Just change one letter at a time: cat-pat-pot-dot-dog!

Research shows that the best readers and writers see analogies between words they know and those they are trying to decode or spell. This resource fosters this strategy by having students build words from other words. Working with Word Chains helps students grow in their understanding of words and their common spelling patterns. It also helps to focus students' attention on identifying differences in words that are almost the same (set and sit, for example) and identifying the letters that represent those different sounds. The intrigue of solving the puzzle of how to transform one word into another makes this resource an irresistible activity for all ages.

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