eBook Order #: RHP1527
Print Book Order #: RH1527
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P1527
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-245-0
Grades: K-3
Reading Level: K-3
Total Pages: 207
Author: Joan Westley
The 180 Lessons in this sequential system of daily word work will help students develop fluency in reading and writing high frequency words.
They will talk about the words, look for special features, use letters to build the words and write them. Includes blackline masters to copy letters, word tiles and header cards. Many teachers use word walls to display high-frequency words they are hoping their students will soon master. The words are usually listed in alphabetical order for easy reference. Whenever students need to use one of these words in their writing, they can simply find its correct spelling on the word wall. Most teachers find this to be an effective way to remind students how these difficult words are spelled. However, word walls on their own are not sufficient to guide students to word mastery. To make word walls really work requires more than just putting the words up on the wall. The words need to be systematically introduced, taught, and reinforced over time. That is what Word Wall Work is all about.