The Road to Reading J - Syllable Sense

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eBook Order #: RHP1556
Print Book Order #: RH1556
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P1556
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-579-6
Grades: K-5
Reading Level: K-5
Total Pages: 55
Author: Joan Westley

This is part 10 in a 12-part book series. This one is focused on Syllable Sense.

This resource is designed to help students learn how to break down longer words into syllables and decode the syllables. They become familiar with common sound/spelling patterns in multi-syllabic words, and they develop instant recognition of high-frequency syllables. They learn to recognize common structures of open and closed syllables. Most important, they learn strategies for decoding multi-syllabic words. The Road to Reading: Intervention for Struggling Learners is designed for students in Grades K-5 who have fallen behind in the basic reading skills normally taught in Grades K-2. This systematic, sequential reading intervention program is based on widely accepted research, plus Common Core and state standards. Foundational reading skills and strategies are practiced over and over with hands-on, multisensory instruction that will keep students enthusiastic and actively engaged. The complete, easy-to-teach program helps students reach grade level goals quickly, and move on to success in the classroom.

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