eBook Order #: RHP3400
Print Book Order #: RH3400
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P3400
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-044-9
Grades: 1-3
Reading Level: 1-3
Total Pages: 194
Author: Joan Westley and Heather McDonald
Fast Facts Set Big Book combines the two resources in this series: Fast Facts 1 – Addition Practice and Fast Facts 2 – Subtraction Practice.
Smart Strategies for Basic Facts is a thinking approach to fact memorization! Through guided introductory activities reinforced by oral and written practice, students quickly learn and internalize the basic addition and subtraction facts. They learn to think flexibly about numbers, to use more than one strategy to solve problems, and to truly understand number relationships with mental tricks used by proficient math students, such as Counting On, Doubles, Doubles Plus One, Making Tens, Tens and Extras, Counting Back, Counting Up, and many more! Includes assessments, blackline masters of special flash cards, a hundred number board, a 10 frame, and specific teaching suggestions for each lesson.