eBook Order #: CCP1121
Print Book Order #: CC1121
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: CC+P1121
ISBN13: 978-1-77167-947-3
Grades: PK, K, 1, 2
Reading Level: PK-2
Total Pages: 300
Author: Staci Marck and Eleanor Summers
This Primary School Language Arts Bundle for grades PK-2 is your ENTIRE YEAR'S LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM in one bundle. Filled with WORKING WITH WORDS activities, FLASH CARDS and CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS comprehension worksheets that cover your State Standards, and written to Bloom's Taxonomy. The activities in this bundle can be used for whole-group, small group, or individual work. NO PREP necessary, just print!
This BUNDLE includes 300 pages and will provide you with an ENTIRE YEAR of Language Arts lesson plans. A $75.00 USD value for only $49.95.
This bundle is ideal for grades PK-2.
Included in this BUNDLE are:
CC1110 - Word Families: Short Vowels Gr. PK-2
CC1111 - Word Families: Long Vowels Gr. PK-2
CC1113 - High Frequency Sight Words Gr. PK-2
CC1114 - High Frequency Picture Words Gr. PK-2
CC1106 - Reading Response Forms Gr. 1-2