A Wish in the Dark (Novel Study Guide)

Choose Your Version: Print Book


  • eBook Order #: CCP2325
  • Print Book Order #: CC2325
  • Both eBook & Print Book Order #: CC+P2325
  • ISBN13: 978-0-22831-348-9
  • Grades: 3, 4
  • Reading Level: 3-4
  • Total Pages: 55
  • Author: Amanda Langsford
  • Overcome adversity and find the light within.

    This resource incorporates before sheets for teaching and reviewing vocabulary with after sheets for evaluating students’ understanding of the chapters. Put yourself in Pong’s shoes and determine whether you would leave your friend behind when escaping prison. Recall what Father Cham’s last blessing for Pong was. Answer multiple choice questions about Pong’s time in the Mud House. Learn about your family tree, similar to Nok’s own discovery of her past. Create a brochure advertising the Great March that Ampai is organizing. Write down ten things that happened in the story on a timeline. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, our worksheets incorporate a variety of scaffolding strategies along with additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key.

    About the Novel:
    A Wish in the Dark follows a young boy who escapes prison and grows up to help free his city from an oppressive ruler. Pong was born in Namwon Prison. He is serving the remainder of his deceased mother’s sentence. However, life in the prison is too much for him. One day, he decides to escape, leaving behind his friend—Somkit. He escapes to a monastery and becomes a monk. Years later, Pong is discovered by the prison warden’s daughter, and is forced once again to flee. He finds himself back in the city of Chattana, where the citizens are ruled by a man who magically returned light to them after a devastating fire. The light comes in the form of orbs, and are used to segregate the rich from the poor. While the poor devise ways to gain equality, the ruler will do anything to keep the status quo.

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