The Red Pony (Novel Study Guide)

Choose Your Version: Print Book


  • eBook Order #: CCP2702
  • Print Book Order #: CC2702
  • Both eBook & Print Book Order #: CC+P2702
  • ISBN13: 978-1-55319-384-5
  • Grades: 7, 8
  • Reading Level: 7-8
  • Total Pages: 55
  • Author: Nat Reed
  • Get a glimpse into the early life of John Steinbeck with this coming-of-age story of loss.

    A variety of activities are divided into pre and post-reading, with extra writing tasks that offer great options for work. Get to know the characters with multiple choice questions. Explain why Jody found it significant that his father and Billy Buck both wore flat-heeled shoes to breakfast. Predict what will happen to Gabilan's illness. Explore the concept of a 'refuge', and whether it is important to have. Imagine how Doubletree Mutt got his name. Answer true or false questions about the horses Gitano and Easter. Find examples from the novel that deal with sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, and list them in an Observation Chart. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, our worksheets incorporate a variety of scaffolding strategies along with additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key.

    About the Novel:
    John Steinbeck, Nobel Prize-winning author, recalls four loosely connected episodes from his own childhood, weaving them together into an unforgettable classic. Growing up on a remote ranch in California, ten-year-old Jody Tiflin's life is forever changed when his father gives him a beautiful red pony. With the help of his father's hired hand "Billy Buck" Jody commits himself whole-heartedly to the raising of this wonderful colt. When the colt grows ill and dies, Jody's world is shattered, as is his faith in Billy Buck, who had assured the boy that the pony would recover. Jody's father promises him a colt that will soon be born to their mare, but dies at the birth. The stories weave together in effortless fashion, chronicling the coming-of-age-story of young Jody Tiflin.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 5 reviews

    Considering this is one of the only resources I could find for this elderly novel- it's great!

    Amy Kreutzer

    Great resource to use in class as part of the unit. The students really enjoyed the activities being used.

    Lucinda Miles

    Used as part of the reading program for summer school for sixth graders.

    Catherine Abler

    This covers the novel really well.


    Excellent resource!

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