Building Words that Rhyme - Time to Rhyme

Choose Your Version: Print Book


eBook Order #: RHP1514
Print Book Order #: RH1514
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P1514
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-228-3
Grades: 1-3
Reading Level: 1-3
Total Pages: 63
Author: Joan Westley

Expand the study of rimes as you work with words that have the same ending sound, but which are spelled in two or more different ways.

With this resource, students explore families of words that have the same ending sounds but are spelled in two or more different ways. Students build words by pairing onset tiles with rimes and blending the sounds together. Onsets are single consonants, blends, or digraphs that begin words or syllables. Rimes are the vowel and whatever follows it in a word or syllable. Working with onsets and rimes helps children think of parts of words as units. Students build words with letter tiles, sort the words by spelling patterns, and use words that rhyme to create sentences. Each rhyme family practice sheet has its own self-checking chart, plus a word bank of homophones and their meanings, so students can work independently and check their own work. You'll explore 28 word families and build as many as 18 words (including homophones) for each rhyme family.

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