Word of the Day A - Synonyms

Choose Your Version: Print Book


eBook Order #: RHP1522
Print Book Order #: RH1522
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P1522
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-237-5
Grades: K-3
Reading Level: K-3
Total Pages: 32
Author: Heather McDonald

Enrich children's oral language with the power of synonyms.

Students will enjoy substituting more sophisticated words such as humorous for common everyday words such as funny. Each lesson is introduced with a word story about the Wordly family in which the word of the day comes into play. Get started with the lesson by reading the story. Write the word on the board. Ask the children if they can figure out the word meaning from the context of the story. Can they think of a synonym for the word? Reread the story if necessary to give the children a chance to figure out the meaning of the italicized word. Included are word cards to play games such as Fish. Please note: the Print version of this resource includes pages in black and white (grayscale); ideal for photocopying.

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