The Road to Reading D - Vowel Power

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eBook Order #: RHP1550
Print Book Order #: RH1550
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P1550
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-573-4
Grades: K-5
Reading Level: K-5
Total Pages: 33
Author: Joan Westley

This is part 4 in a 12-part book series. This one is focused on Vowel Power.

The focus of this resource is on just five letter/sound correspondences: the five short vowels a, e, i, o, and u. These sounds are most commonly found in the middle of one-syllable words. Because of their position in words and the subtle differences among the sounds, learning these vowel/sound correspondences is not easy, but it is critical to student success in reading. The Road to Reading: Intervention for Struggling Learners is designed for students in Grades K-5 who have fallen behind in the basic reading skills normally taught in Grades K-2. This systematic, sequential reading intervention program is based on widely accepted research, plus Common Core and state standards. Foundational reading skills and strategies are practiced over and over with hands-on, multisensory instruction that will keep students enthusiastic and actively engaged. The complete, easy-to-teach program helps students reach grade level goals quickly, and move on to success in the classroom.

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