Did You Say Dinosaurs?

Choose Your Version: Print Book


eBook Order #: RHPZ14
Print Book Order #: Z14
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-217-6
Grades: K-1
Reading Level: K-1
Total Pages: 99
Author: Vera Trembach

Welcome to the world of dinosaurs!

Here you will find work-jobs and activities to make your Dinosaur Learning Center more complete. The work-jobs included can be photocopied or duplicated directly onto construction paper or manila tag. Instructions are included for each and are easy to follow. Some of the topics included are: Meat Eaters, Plant Eaters, Two Legs, Four Legs, I am a Dinosaur, Dinosaur Country, Fossil Match, Dinosaur Bone Hunt, Dinosaur Songs, Mega Puzzles, and Activity Cards. The center book pages are for creative development. Each child can create a booklet of his or her dinosaur studies. This Animal Science lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, activities, word search, and board game to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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