Favourite Storybook Activities For Spring

Choose Your Version: Print Book


eBook Order #: RHPZ25
Print Book Order #: Z25
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-156-8
Grades: K-1
Reading Level: K-1
Total Pages: 39
Author: Vera Trembach

You will find activities that complement some favourite storybooks for spring.

The hands-on activities are easy to colour and assemble from the provided patterns. Each storybook has at least one activity to complement it. The storybooks listed in this resource are easy to find in soft cover at any quality children's bookstore. They are also available at most local libraries and in many school libraries. In the classroom, storybooks are explored for a variety of reasons: to study the interesting illustrations, the repetitive text, the narrative styles and so on. The purpose of this resource is to promote literacy and the shared reading experience. This Holidays lesson provides a teacher and student section with activities, word search, draw and colour to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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