Vern's Vegetable Soup

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eBook Order #: RHPZ73
Print Book Order #: Z73
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-272-5
Grades: K-2
Reading Level: K-2
Total Pages: 14
Author: Vera Trembach

Vern owns a restaurant and makes the most delicious vegetable soup in all of Canada.

Our resource includes the story of "Vern's Vegetable Soup", patterns to make a flannelboard story, rebus chants — "Soup" and "In the Pot", and numeral recognition and counting skills. Students will reinforce counting skills of 1 to 10, will reinforce colour recognition skills, will recognize vegetables as nutritional, and will listen to a story. This Primary Studies lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, flannelboard, rebus chants, and culminating activities to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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