Reserve Community of Saskatchewan

Choose Your Version: Print Book


eBook Order #: RHPZ74
Print Book Order #: Z74
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-259-6
Grades: K-2
Reading Level: K-2
Total Pages: 41
Author: Vera Trembach

A Reserve Community is designed to supplement Saskatchewan Education's Grade Two Social Studies curriculum for classroom studies about the family and the community.

The nucleus of this unit is the story, "Cody's Community". The story includes the concepts of identity, location, tradition, responsibility, transportation, occupation, community services and political structure. During the course of our unit, students will understand that a reserve is a community of First Nation's families; a reserve provides services to its residents; a reserve has a political structure; reserves have a history; and much more. This Canada lesson provides a teacher and student section with task cards, big book, storybooks, word search, and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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