Storybook Art

Choose Your Version: Print Book


eBook Order #: RHPZ77
Print Book Order #: Z77
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-143-8
Grades: K-2
Reading Level: K-2
Total Pages: 46
Author: Vera Trembach

Experiencing art through storybooks gives students the opportunity to discover various mediums and art styles.!

Experiencing art through storybooks makes students realize the illustrator as an important, functional part of the bookmaking process. In our resource, students will obtain information about the lives of illustrators, and hear stories about what motivates these creative people. One of the most important concepts students will discover is that art is an expression. This Art lesson provides a teacher and student section with a variety of activities with step-by-step instructions, art exhibit, and certificate to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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