My House, My Family and Me

Choose Your Version: Print Book


eBook Order #: RHPZ97
Print Book Order #: Z97
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-246-6
Grades: K-1
Reading Level: K-1
Total Pages: 50
Author: Vera Trembach

Our unit has been developed to reinforce the concept that "a family is who lives at your house" and to realize that all families are different, culturally and socially.

Includes patterns to make a big book, hands-on activities, plus rebus stories about different families and what they do. Our resource, geared toward the theme of the family, includes centre book pages, visual discrimination, food for families, and favourite family recipes. This Social Studies lesson provides a teacher and student section with language arts, art, and math activities, patterns, hands-on, and pocket chart activities, bookmaking, recipes, word cards, and rebus stories to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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