High School Life Skills Bundle

Choose Your Version: eBook - .PDF


  • eBook Order #: CCP5825
  • Print Book Order #: CC5825
  • Both eBook & Print Book Order #: CC+P5825
  • ISBN13: 978-0-22831-179-9
  • Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12+
  • Reading Level: 3-6
  • Total Pages: 680
  • Author: Sarah Joubert and Lisa Renaud

    This High School Life Skills Bundle is your ENTIRE YEAR'S LIFE SKILLS CURRICULUM in one bundle. Filled with HANDS-ON activities, ENGAGING scenarios and COMPREHENSION questions that cover your State Standards, and written to Bloom's Taxonomy. The activities in this bundle can be used for whole-group, small group, or individual work. NO PREP necessary, just print!

    This BUNDLE includes 680 pages and will provide you with an ENTIRE YEAR of Life Skills lesson plans. A $180.00 value for only $89.95.


    This bundle is ideal for grades 6-12+, but with a grade 3-6 reading level.


    Included in this BUNDLE are:

     CC5793 - Daily Life Skills - BIG BOOK Gr. 6-12
     CC5809 - Practical Life Skills - BIG BOOK Gr. 9-12+
     CC5817 - Real World Life Skills - BIG BOOK Gr. 6-12+
     CC5824 - Applying Personal Life Skills - BIG BOOK Gr. 6-12+

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 8 reviews
    Jill Hansen

    This resource aligns with our standards that need to be covered for alternative assessment. The worksheets help to make the concept more concrete for my students.

    Stacy Thorpe

    This bundle included a variety of life skills worksheets for students in special education.

    Marvelous Methods of Instruction

    I really liked this resource! It helped me generate ideas for life skills lessons.

    Emma Schober

    Easy for student use, and students are able to do it with both staff support and independently

    Madison Schettler

    We use this resource daily in our life skills class. Thank you!!

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