Math Practice Simplified J - Word Problems

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eBook Order #: RHP3416
Print Book Order #: RH3416
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P3416
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-276-4
Grades: 6-8
Reading Level: 6-8
Total Pages: 64
Author: Ann Cassill Sofge

This resource is for grades 6-8 and helps all students build the mental facility needed to do well on standardized tests and to move on to higher-level thinking.

Strong math skills are essential to success in school and life. Math Practice Simplified - Word Problems provides practice in solving word problems, from those that involve simple addition to those with more complex computations with money and percentages. Basic concepts involving whole numbers, fractions, money, and percentages make up the majority of the word problems in this resource. Time, graphs, and maps are also dealt with. There are problems with both metric and customary units of measure. The problems become progressively more challenging within each section. The sections themselves, however, are not ordered according to difficulty. Answers are provided at the back of the book.

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