eBook Order #: RHP1515
Print Book Order #: RH1515
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P1515
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-229-0
Grades: 1-3
Reading Level: 1-3
Total Pages: 63
Author: Joan Westley
Students will develop mastery of vowel/sound correspondence as they build hundreds of words with common vowel sounds and regular patterns.
With this resource, students learn about vowel sounds and vowel patterns as they build words with letter tiles. There are two types of word-building activities: one in which students make words by adding consonants before and after a vowel, and one in which students make words by inserting vowels between two consonants. Through the activities, students practice letter sound correspondences as they blend sounds together to make words. With the frame r_d, for example, they will see that simply changing the vowel will let them create red, rid, rod, ride, rode, rude, raid, read, and road. These engaging, hands-on lessons are guaranteed to give your students first-hand experience with the power of vowels, and they will begin to appreciate the tricky nature of vowels in our language.