


This FREE bonus resource includes extension activity worksheets from our Roller Girl Gr. 5-6 Novel Study Guide title.

Enjoy 6 BONUS worksheets from our Roller Girl Gr. 5-6 Novel Study Guide. These worksheets can be used on their own, or paired with the individual resources as extension activities at the completion of the unit. And the best part is, it's FREE.

About these BONUS Worksheets:

Written to Bloom's Taxonomy, these worksheets are aligned to your State Standards. Each concept features practice worksheets and comprehension activities to ensure your students are engaged and fully understand the novel.

About the full resource, Roller Girl Gr. 5-6:

Escape into the thrilling world of roller derby with Astrid, as she faces new experiences and the loss of a friend. The activities in this resource are geared for a mix of small group, partner and individual work, allowing teachers to determine student comprehension of the book’s content and vocabulary. Students make predictions about key plot points before reading the chapter. Answer multiple choice questions about Astrid’s time at roller derby camp. Determine the reason behind Astrid’s motives for lying to her mother. Identify synonyms of key vocabulary words found in the story. Imagine what it might be like for Nicole to be friends with Astrid. Put yourself in Astrid’s position and come up with a plan to apologize to Zoey. Describe and compare the different settings depicted in the story. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, our worksheets incorporate a variety of scaffolding strategies along with additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key.

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