eBook Order #: RHP1301
Print Book Order #: RH1301
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P1301
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-001-2
Grades: K, 1
Reading Level: K-1
Total Pages: 49
Using visual and context clues to practice 23 initial sounds.
Learning to read is one of life's most important skills and thus a crucial goal of the school curriculum. Of the many strategies and tactics that help children become efficient readers, no programs have proved more effective than those that include phonics. Phonics helps students become independent readers by teaching them to sound out the new words they encounter. Just knowing the "name" of each letter of the alphabet is not enough to attain this skill; it is not enough to help them "play" the word in their heads. It is important to know that vowels have long and short sounds; that there are different ways of spelling a specific sound; and that sometimes two consonants together create a whole new sound, while in other combinations each consonant is sounded out separately. The Phonics Practice Simplified program will help students develop and master these and other sound-symbol relationships that are important building blocks for reading success.