eBook Order #: RHP1526
Print Book Order #: RH1526
Both eBook & Print Book Order #: RH+P1526
ISBN13: 978-0-22832-244-3
Grades: 1-5
Reading Level: 1-5
Total Pages: 106
Author: Joan Westley
Introduce young readers to 30 versatile graphic organizers. Lessons focus on story structure, characters, plot, setting, language, and informational text. Includes 100 additional formats.
Students are visual learners. When they see information organized visually, they can understand relationships and make inferences better. The generic graphic organizers in this resource guide are designed especially for the primary grades and include simple ways to organize information visually. The graphic organizers help students develop these fundamental reading comprehension skills:
• Analyzing story elements
• Comparing and contrasting
• Sequencing events
• Formulating questions
• Identifying cause and effect
• Summarizing
The lessons in this resource introduce each graphic organizer so that students learn how to use them to organize information in books they read on their own.