What A Mess

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eBook Order #: RHPZ2
Print Book Order #: Z2
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-273-2
Grades: PK-1
Reading Level: PK-1
Total Pages: 22
Author: Vera Trembach

What A Mess is a funny story about a girl who doesn't like to keep her room clean.

Read the story as a supplement to your environmental theme study. Use the story as a kick start to a classroom environmental awareness project. Students will become responsible towards keeping their immediate environment tidy and clean. Students will realize that respect and responsibility towards a good environment can begin at home with their own belongings, and in the classroom that is shared with others. Students will listen to a story, participate in an oral discussion, and participate as Classroom Helpers. This Chants & Classifications lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, hands-on activities, and big book assembly to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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